In 2021 I had the pleasure of designing a members patch for Galápagos Conservancy, featuring an iconic animal of the Galápagos islands – the pink land iguana. In 2022 I created another design for them for mugs and stickers, featuring lots of Galápagos wildlife including giant tortoises, a whale shark and a sea lion.

Galápagos Conservancy are an organisation dedicated to the long-term protection of the Galápagos islands, best known for their efforts to repopulate the islands with giant tortoises. Pink land iguanas live on the remote Wolf Volcano on Isabela island. Galápagos Conservancy recently completed their first research expedition for this species and found that it is sadly critically endangered, with only 211 remaining. The iguanas are now a major priority for their conservation efforts, and they hope to bring it back from the brink of extinction through a captive breeding program and invasive species management.

Please check out their website for more information on their incredible work! Galápagos Conservancy